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LV Logics silo sensor
Industrial Products
Product Design
Design Challenge and Design Ideas
Silos are one of the harshest industrial environments with dust and contamination impossible to avoid. LV Logics as an Irish startup has developed the only self-cleaning silo monitoring solution in the world. While the sensor is in the silo, a completely weatherproof enclosure was needed on the outside of the silo which needed to function wihout servicing for 10-15 years, and maintain a seal to a large hole drilled in the silo skin without failing in all weathers.
How the brief was fulfilled
There are three important seals in the product, the enclosure of the IOT components, the enclosure to the mounting ring, and the seal of the whole device to the silo through a 4″ hole. The sensor projects through into the silo itself, and has an air system to clean the sensor when too much dust is present. The angle and rotation can be easily set through the drilled hole.
Silos are manufactured with different conical tops, and in different materials, so creating a consistent seal every time was a challenge. The base moulding was developed with a semi-flexible skirt with a double butyl ring to seal to any surface. This moulding is attached first, then the sensor can be fitted and rotation and angle aligned. The main enclose can then be fitted, sealing the system.
All power and air systems are located at the base of the silo, once fitted all servicing can be done on the ground, there is no need to ever climb the silo to service it.
The device seems to float above the silo, this brings the seals up under the enclosure and out of the direct force of rain and wind. The shape recalls a clam attached to a rock, hanging on in a harsh environment.
The lifecycle of the device has a tiny amount of human interaction – and that’s it’s greatest engineering achievement.